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ߣ  Դ二技教育网  ʱ䣺2021-03-19  Ԥ160829


Brief Introduction of Ningbo Second Technician College


Ningbo Second Technician College (NSTC) was founded in 1965. After three development stages of "technical school-advanced technical School-technician college", NSTC was upgraded to technician college in 2012. It is a national key technical school, a national high-skilled personnel training base, a World Skills Competition Chinese training base, and a national youth campus basketball characteristic school. It has established Sino-German AHK (Ningbo) Vocational Education and Training Center and national vocational education exemplary virtual simulation training base. NSTC has fully implemented CPC's education policy, has always been firmly committed to fostering high-skilled talents, and takes "cultivating the mind, refining the skill and forging superb quality for fostering craftsmen" as the school concept, focusing on "moral and skill training, diversified school-running, school-enterprise cooperation, and quality improvement and excellence". NSTC also commits herself to cultivate talents with global vision and humanistic affection for Ningbo, the first pilot city of “Made in China 2025”.


In 2022, NSTC was awarded as the First-class Technician Cultivator in Zhejiang, Zhejiang Modernized School, Leading Technical College for Ideological and Political Course Construction in Zhejiang, one of the first batch of Exemplary "Three-nurture Education" Secondary Vocational Schools in Ningbo, Reform School for Talent Training via Integration of Secondary and Higher Education in Ningbo, Benchmarking School for Smart Campus in Ningbo and Digital Intelligence Engineering College in Ningbo.


NSTC has east and west campuses, covering a total area of 127.5 mu and a construction area of 91000 square meters. NSTC has 87 classes, 3205 students and 204 faculty. There are two professional departments and five professional groups including 14 majors. The majors, Intelligent Manufacturing and Architecture, have been rated as provincial high-level professional groups. 11 brand majors, at or above the provincial level, covering mold manufacturing, CNC processing, mechatronics, industrial robots, digital design and manufacturing, 3D digital games, architectural decoration, construction, international trade, e-commerce and many other professions are closely related to the local industry.


NSTC focuses on the national development strategy of "Belt and Road Initiative", connects the provincial 415X industrial system with the construction of Ningbo "246" modern industrial cluster, actively explores the international path of training high-skilled talents, and introduces the curriculum system and professional qualification standards of EU. NSTC carries out in-depth school-enterprise cooperation with nearly 100 enterprises, such as Fubang (Holdings), SAIC Volkswagen, Fotile Group, Ningbo Construction, SELF Group, Ningbo Xingjian Aerotech Co., Ltd ., to jointly build industrial colleges and enterprise colleges. Starting with the reform of the teaching mode of "integration of work and learning", in cooperation with Zhejiang Business Technology Institute, NSTC has opened up a new exploration of the "3+2+1" long schooling for high-skilled talents, so as to serve the transformation, upgrading and development of the local economy. The implementation of the "hundred, thousand and ten thousand high-skilled personnel training project" has trained more than 10,000 technical personnel every year. NSTC has been awarded the honors such as the Most Competitive Exemplary Colleges in China, the Exemplary School of the "1000-international-partner-school" project, and the Exemplary Base for Training Enterprise Workers in Zhejiang.




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